The World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD) is a not-for-profit organization working at the intersec- tion of religion and global development. Housed within the Berkley Center in Washington, D.C., WFDD documents the work of faith inspired organizations and explores the importance of religious ideas and actors in development contexts. WFDD supports dialogue between religious and development communities and promotes innovative partnerships, at national and international levels, with the goal of contributing to posi- tive and inclusive development outcomes.
Religions for Peace has a long-standing and deeply rooted commitment to engagement of youth communities and leaders in its interreligious work. This report reflects a project to seek youth inputs on critical global agenda issues, notably peace, environmental matters, and humanitarian action. The continuing partnership involved a call for papers on these topics, presented at a symposium in July 2021. This report draws on the symposium discussion and the background papers. The World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD) worked with Religions for Peace to highlight the vital insights that emerged from this dialogue process.
This document centers on the analytic paper. It also includes the agenda for the July symposium, a back- ground paper highlighting the landscape of youth interfaith engagement, and a listing of the papers prepared by youth authors in response to the call for papers.
This report was prepared by WFDD Executive Director Katherine Marshall, with Wilma Mui coordinat- ing the WFDD team. WFDD staff members, Sudipta Roy and Sarah Thompson provided crucial editing support. Many thanks to the RfP team, specifically Secretary General Azza Karam, Karen Hernandez, and Deepika Singh, for their feedback and guidance. We are grateful to Jocelyn Soly for designing this report.
Disclaimer: All the views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual Authors. None of the opinions, views or content shared in this publication necessarily reflects official policies, positions or missions, of any of the organising institutions, Boards, or territories.