As the head of UNFPA’s humanitarian programmes, she worked to bring attention to the needs of women and adolescents in emergency situations by leading a number of United Nations efforts to expand and improve basic standards for humanitarian programming and she was among the first within the international humanitarian community to work toward understanding and responding to HIV and conflict and sexual violence in conflicts. She also served for a number of years in Eritrea, Sudan, and Ethiopia and is a specialist on the Horn of Africa, where she also did her earlier dissertation research.
Prior to joining ASU, she was Senior Advisor to the UN Special Representative for Migration (London) and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Global Affairs of the Londons School of Economics. Her recent research and writing is on the cross- Mediterranean migration crisis.
Ms. DeLargy works closely with ASU’s Education for Humanity initiative, which seeks to bring access to higher education to camp-based and urban refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Uganda, and Ethiopia.