
Ms. Jill Huinder

Programme Officer, Multi-Religious Humanitarian Fund, Gender & Environment
Jill Huinder lived, worked and studied extensively around the world to understand the interactive dynamics of modern governance and traditional (spiritual) knowledge.
Originally from the Netherlands, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in humanities, philosophy and western esotericism, from the University of Amsterdam which is where she laid her foundation for future work in cultural integration, traditional knowledge preservation, economic development, and program management.
She then expanded her experience in India, Australia, Peru, and the United States where she obtained a Master of Science in Social Sciences with a specific focus on protected area management and sustainable tourism. She is currently completing an Executive Masters at The Graduate Institute of Geneva where she primarily focusses on multilateral policy development to combat human trafficking (sexual commercial exploitation) and sustainable socio-economic and environmental development. Her diverse professional experience includes working for NGO’s, for-profit, philanthropy networks, local to international governments, and academic institutions.
She joined Religions for Peace as a Programmes Officer and is specifically dedicated to the strategic priority of advancing gender equality and oversight of the Multi-Religious Humanitarian Fund. She is inspired by multilateral diplomacy which is inclusive of spiritual values and ontology, and she is most passionate about multi-cultural and multi-religious dialogue that fosters global understanding and peaceful interaction
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