Mr. Christian Lupemba is a dynamic young man committed to promoting community well-being. Since November 2018, Christian K. Lupemba is serving as Chairperson of the Interreligious Youth Network of DR Congo.
For more than ten years, he has been involved with youth. Through outreach activities aimed at unlocking the potential of each person and developing individual and collective capacities to serve the community, he works especially with children and teenagers. He participates in the creation of spaces where free classes are offered to children of all ethnic, religious and social backgrounds to help them develop qualities that reflect the nobility of the human spirit such as a sense of responsibility, sense of justice, courage, patience, generosity, humility, respect, obedience and tolerance. With junior youth (11 – 14), through reflection and discussion workshops, group service projects and recreational, artistic and sports activities, he helps young people to sharpen their spiritual perception, the nobility of their character, to develop their power of expression, to identify the forces shaping society and to strengthen the moral structures that will support them throughout their lives, with a twofold objective: to develop their potentialities and to contribute to the transformation of society.
Thanks to his experience as a mathematics teacher and his commitment to building the capacity of young people to help them face the daily challenges at the grassroots, he has with youth of other faiths, involved in a process of consultation for interfaith actions of youth to raise awareness of their common future and the need to act to make it better and more peaceful (Awareness Campaign on environment protection, reflection workshops: “Mathematics and living together”). His goal as President of the Interreligious Youth Network in DR Congo is to make this network a movement that will be needed to make the voice of youth heard throughout the DRC and across the African continent.