An inspiring and effective advocate of social justice for all, Commissioner Christine MacMillan has been a Salvation Army officer holding appointments in six countries: Canada and Bermuda, Australia, England, Papua New Guinea and USA. This included the role of denominational leader (territorial commander) for the Canada & Bermuda and Papua New Guinea territories.
Trained and accredited as a counsellor, Christine has founded various centers and programs in the field of addictions, domestic violence and
homelessness. As founding director of the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission, Christine promotes research as a pivotal approach in addressing social issues with a participative input of those who experience the challenges of humanitarian inequities. She has received two honorary doctorates respectively in Mission Theology and Law.
In July 2012, following retirement from The Salvation Army, Christine was selected by the World Evangelical Alliance to serve as their Senior Advisor for Social Justice, where 600 million Christians join forces under the banner of impacting God’s so loved and unloved world.
While serving with the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) as Associate Secretary General for Public Engagement Christine oversaw the work of the WEA United Nations teams in Geneva and New York inclusive of WEA networks in the fields of: Refugees, Climate Change, Humanitarian Advocacy, Peace & Reconciliation, Human Trafficking and Health and Healing. She continues with the WEA as a Senior Advisor – UN Mission while heading up their Internship Program with various universities and colleges.
Christine sits on various boards and advises organizations in discerning strategic ways forward in fulfilling impactful influence through paradigms of integral mission, while emphasizing intentional relationships of integrity. This includes an appointment by the United Nations in serving on their UN Multi-Faith Advisory Council and as an Envoy with UNICEF.
The imprint of residing in 5 countries through her vocational career has exposed her to various cultures, values and faith perspectives while living out her ordination and calling. This has led to developed publications and co-authorship of: When Justice is the Measure and Faith, Life & Leadership, Religious Soft Diplomacy and the United Nations. Sought after as an international speaker Christine addresses her audiences on various topics in the belief and hope that transformation is the inspiration of her personal faith in living with and for others.