
Guided by over 100 leaders
representing the world’s faith communities.

International Trustees & Ambassadors

Religions for Peace International Trustees & Ambassadors assist the World Council to advance our mission through partnership development, expertise, resource mobilisation, and identification and solicitation of funding opportunities. See their Terms of Reference.

International Trustees

Mr. Robert Boisture

President and CEO, The Fetzer Institute; Treasurer, Religions for Peace

United States

Mr. Charanjit Singh Hayer

Chairman, Hayer Group of Companies; International Trustee of Religions for Peace


Rev. Keiji Kunitomi

Chair of Board of Trustees, Rissho Kosei-kai; International Trustee, Religions for Peace

Buddhist, Japan

Mr. Steve Killelea

Founder and Executive Chairman, Integrated Research LTD. Charitable Foundation; Institute for Economics and Peace; Honorary President, Religions for Peace


Mr. Abdul Ilah Rafie Marafie

Chief Patron Trustee, Marafie Foundation; International Trustee, Religions for Peace


Rev. Keishi Miyamoto

Representative, Arigatou Foundation; International Trustee, Religions for Peace


Dr. Aruna Oswal

Chairperson, Abhey Oswal Group & Aruna Abhey Oswal Trust; Vice President, World Jain Confederation; Boardmember, PHD Family Welfare Foundation; Trustee, Loomba Foundation; Chairperson, Indian Council for Human Relations; Co-President and International Trustee, Religions for Peace

Jain, India

Rev. Norio Sakai

Founder, Japanese Trustees’ Group; International Trustee, Religions for Peace


Prof. em. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schürer

Chairman, Foundation Peace Dialogue of the World Religions and Civil Society; Honorary President and Trustee, Religions for Peace

Christian, Germany

H.E. Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh

Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha; Co-President and Trustee, Religions for Peace

Sikh, United Kingdom

Mr. Tsunetaka Tanaka

President, Japanese Trustees’ Group, International Trustee, Religions for Peace


Dr. Nianbo Wu

Founder and Chairman, Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics LTD; International Trustee, Religions for Peace


International Ambassadors

Mr. Helio Fred Garcia


President, Logos Consulting Group; Executive Director of the Logos Institute for Crisis Management & Executive Leadership; Religions for Peace Ambassador

H.E. Dr. Kul Chandra Gautam

Former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations; Ambassador, Religions for Peace


Ms. Audrey Kitagawa

President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation; President of the Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family; Ambassador, Religions for Peace

United States

Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan

Senior Advisor, UN Mission & Chair World Evangelical Alliance (WEA); Co-president World Council Religions for Peace

Christian, Canada

Ms. Maddalena Maltese

Director of Communications, International Secretariat

Dr. Katherine Marshall

Senior Fellow, Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs Professor of the practice of development, conflict, and religion, Walsh School of Foreign Service

Religions for Peace Ambassador

Dr. Reham Abdullah Salamah Nasr

General Director, Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism

Mrs. Idanna Pucci

Author; Ambassador, Religions for Peace


Imam Dr. Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi

Director-General and Chief Imam, Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society; Associate, Project on Shi'ism and Global Affairs; International Ambassador, Religions for Peace

Muslim, Scotland

Dr. Jeffrey Sachs

Director, Center for Sustainable Development; Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General on the Sustainable Development Goals; Ambassador, Religions for Peace

United States

Joumana Silyan-Saba

Director of Policy and Discrimination Enforcement, Los Angeles City Civil and Human Rights and Equity Department (LA Civil Rights)

United States

Mr. Terence Ward

Author; Ambassador, Religions for Peace

United States

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