FPCC Regional Faith Engagement Forum for South Asia
8-10 May 2022
Kathmandu Statement
We, the participants of the Faith and Positive Change for Children, Communities and Families (FPCC) Regional Faith Engagement Forum for South Asia, have come together to share and address pressing issues related to children in a holistic manner through integrated approaches and framework. As tripartite partnership of Religions for Peace, faith-based organisations and UNICEF, we are committed to identify common actions for the well-being of children in South Asia. We are committed to pursuing the essential role of religious communities and faith actors in bringing about a sustainable positive social and behaviour change in complex behaviours and social norms that affect child health, protection and development outcomes.
This FPCC Regional Faith Engagement Forum, convened by UNICEF, Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, and Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities, is a continuing effort of the tripartite partners to implement the principles and commitments, and build on the outcomes and learning experiences of the South Asia Regional High-Level Summit of Faith Actors on 8 December 2021, and the Global Workshop on Faith for Social and Behaviour Change on 10-12 July 2018 in Bangkok Thailand, in line with the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Religion is at the heart of people’s values and identities in the diverse cultures of South Asia, which constitutes around 1/4 of the global population with 650 million children. Religious beliefs are deeply entrenched in their daily life influencing their views, and family and community practices. For these reasons, religious communities, through the various constituencies of faith actors from religious leaders to parents to children themselves, can significantly and effectively move the hearts and minds of communities, and contribute to social cohesion and resilience.
Understanding that the tripartite partnership, through its shared resources and unique comparative strengths and capacities, will be more effective in achieving results for children, families and communities, the partners will –
We commit to –
We affirm we will translate these commitments that we have made in Kathmandu and at the December Summit through –
We, who have gathered here from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, will continue to work to empower children, families, and their communities towards culturally and spiritually enriched environment for the dignity and wellbeing of all children.