International Secretariat


The International Secretariat is based in Japan, Kenya, Peru, Spain, and the United States and serves the World Council to enact our Strategic Plan. An Organogram of the International Secretariat is available here.

Secretary General

Dr. Francis Kuria

Secretary General, Religions for Peace International; Secretary General – African Council of Religious Leaders – Religions for Peace

Deputy Secretary General

Ms. Deepika Singh

Deputy Secretary General; Director of Programmes

Regional Secretaries Generals

Dr. Joan Hernandez-Serret

Secretary General – Religions for Peace Europe

Rev. Dr. Yoshinori Shinohara

Secretary General – Asian Conference of Religions for Peace

Secretary General – Religions for Peace-Japan

Mr. Elias Szczytnicki

Secretary General & Regional Director – Religions for Peace Latin America and the Caribbean


International Secretariat

Mr. Zaid Mohammed

Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Emma Jackson

Executive Office Manager and Peace Program Officer

Ms. Kristine Leonardo

Programme Officer

Ms. Geetika Chandwani

Development Programme Associate

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