His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel Adamakis, Religions for Peace Co-Moderator, elected as Elder Metropolitan of Chalcedon

Religions for Peace 20210308

The Religions for Peace global movement extends sincere congratulations to our Co-Moderator, His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel Adamakis, on his historic election by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as Elder Metropolitan of Chalcedon on 16 February 2021.

His Eminence’s esteemed leadership in representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the European Union and other international institutions, as well as his profound experience in developing partnerships with the world’s major religious institutions such as the Vatican and the World Council of Churches, is deeply admired and respected by the Religions for Peace movement.

His Eminence’s engagement and devotion to global interreligious dialogue and cooperation for peacebuilding, environmental protection, and the advancement of SDGs in general continues to inspire the members of Religions for Peace across the globe.

In a letter from Religions for Peace Secretary General, Prof. Azza Karam, on 8 March, she shares the Religions for Peace movement’s “deepest appreciation for your leadership and many years of service to Religions for Peace as a Co-Moderator, Co-President, and a member of the International Executive Committee.”

Annoucement from KAICIID

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